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A visit to a sexual health clinic
We want your visit to a sexual health clinic to be straightforward . This page aims to give you an insight in to what you can expect and links to videos showing patient’s who have visited sexual health clinics. Visits to sexual health clinics are free and confidential.
Read article A visit to a sexual health clinic
Abortion/Termination of pregnancy
If you’re pregnant but not sure you want to continue with the pregnancy, find out about your options and where to go for help here.
Read article Abortion/Termination of pregnancy
Become a Volunteer
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals who live or work in Buckinghamshire to become Volunteers . If you have an interest in volunteering and becoming a sexual health influencer, find out more about becoming a Volunteer
Read article Become a Volunteer
C-Card Registration
Register for the C-Card to get access to free condoms.
Read article C-Card Registration
Cervical screening
Cervical screening is one of the best ways to protect yourself from cervical cancer. Cervical screening checks the health of your cervix. It's not a test for cancer, it's a test to help prevent cancer.
Read article Cervical screening
Chemsex is the term used to refer to the use of drugs such as Crystal Meth, GHB and Mephedrone to enhance sex. Find out more about Chemsex, how to stay safe and where to get support.
Read article ChemSex
Child sexual exploitation
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is when a child or young person is tricked or forced into doing something sexual in return for things like love, affection, money, drugs or alcohol.
Read article Child sexual exploitation
This section contains information and support regarding consent including reading, links and resources
Read article Consent
Digital Resources
Useful links to apps, videos and our YouTube site where you will find a range of playlists relating to different sexual health topics,
Read article Digital Resources
Domestic Violence
Read more about domestic abuse and stalking. Find out where to get help.
Read article Domestic Violence
Emergency Contraception
What is Emergency Contraception and Where you can get Emergency Contraception
Read article Emergency Contraception
Exploitation and Modern Slavery
Modern slavery is like an umbrella term, like ‘fruit’, it encompasses many different aspects i.e trafficking, forced labour and exploitation. Human trafficking is the most common modern slavery crime.
Read article Exploitation and Modern Slavery
Female Genital Mutilation
Understanding more about What is Female Genital Mutilation, safeguarding girls, the law and health implications
Read article Female Genital Mutilation
Find a bSHaW Clinic
See all bSHaW Sexual Health Clinics and services offered.
Read article Find a bSHaW Clinic
Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships are relationships that make you feel happy and safe. Find out more about healthy relationships.
Read article Healthy Relationships
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is the name given to a very common group of viruses. There are many types of HPV, some of which are called "high risk" because they're linked to the development of cancers, such as cervical cancer, anal cancer, genital cancers, and cancers of the head and neck
Read article Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Learning Disabilities
Sexual health and relationships are important for everyone. Our aim is to help everyone find high quality, reliable information.
Read article Learning Disabilities
**New resources and information for Trans and Non Binary People recently added. This section contains general information relating to LGBTQ+along with more specific information. You can also find information on local and national services and support in this section.
Read article LGBTQ+
This section contains information and supporting regarding miscarriage.
Read article Miscarriage
Parents and carers
Help and advice for parents and carers regarding sexual health and relationships. Join RSE@Home events
Read article Parents and carers
Finding out that you are pregnant may give rise to very different feelings for different people. Some people may feel excited and happy, others may feel scared and uncertain. All of these feelings are normal.
Read article Pregnancy
Public and patient information
Need to know where to go for sound information on sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraception or pregnancy?
Read article Public and patient information
Sexting or sending nudes is when someone shares a sexual message, naked or semi-naked image, video or text message with another person. It doesn’t have to be a nude image of them and could be an image of someone else. Read more about sexting and how to stay safe.
Read article Sexting
Sexual Assault
Sexual violence can happen to anyone; men, women and children. The effect that it has on people will vary and different people may feel the impact of assault at different times.
Read article Sexual Assault
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Don't miss any updates or new information when it's posted on the website.
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