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C-Card Registration

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Register for the C-Card to get access to free condoms.

  • You must be between 16 and 24 to register for the c-card online.
  • You must live in Buckinghamshire to register for the C-Card.

Register for the C-Card – Get access to free condoms

Collect your condoms from the nearest C-Card Distribution Site or order your condoms to be delivered by post.

  • You must be over 16 to order condoms by post and you must have collected condoms in person at least once before using this service.
  • Under 16s can register for the C-Card to access free condoms by visiting a C-Card Distribution Site in person.



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If you need further advice, or if this page hasn’t answered your questions then get in contact with your local bSHaW Sexual Health Clinic for a friendly chat.

Call 0300 303 2880 to book an appointment or use our service finder to locate your nearest clinic.

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