bSHaW Sexual Health Clinics and Coronavirus

Please contact reception on 0300 303 2880 and ask for a phone appointment if you need to talk to us.
We are not running drop in clinics at the moment, services are opening up but we are working in a different way, see below for specific clinic information:
Young Peoples Clinics from Monday 3rd August
From Monday 3rd August the following clinics will be open to young people:
Youth Enquiry Service (YES) – High Wycombe – Monday 3pm – 5.30pm – call and collect condom service and nurse led contraception/ STI screening service.
Oasis House, Chesham – Thursday 3.00 – 5.00pm – text and collect condom service, chlamydia and gonorrhoea postal testing kits
Please note there is no walk in facility without phone calls first. Please click on the individual clinics above for further information and to access the service.
read more about COVID-19 (coronavirus) and bSHaW affected services