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Information on how to become a C-Card site and refresher training for existing C-Card sites
Read article C-Card
Can Not Pass It On Training
Self-directed learning resource for all healthcare professionals as well as anyone working with people living with HIV
Read article Can Not Pass It On Training
Clinical Standards
Useful links to Sexual Health related Clinical Standards
Read article Clinical Standards
Community Pharmacies
Access to the online community pharmacy e-learning course for Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC)
Read article Community Pharmacies
Director of Public Health Annual Report
Various reports can be found dating back to 2011/12
Read article Director of Public Health Annual Report
A go-to source for the most relevant resources on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Read article e-bulletins
GPs and nurses
Chlamydia Screening, Primary Care guidance and referral forms
Read article GPs and nurses
National Chlamydia Screening Programme
In accordance with the national changes to the NSCP, opportunistic chlamydia screening in Buckinghamshire is now focused on women* aged 15-24 only, where harm to reproductive health is greatest.
Read article National Chlamydia Screening Programme
Patient Leaflets
Patient leaflets relating to specific sexual health topics. You will find links to leaflets relating to Contraception, Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV and others. Please note we are always adding to this library.
Read article Patient Leaflets
Safeguarding links and procedures for Buckinghamshire
Read article Safeguarding
Sexual health needs and data
Buckinghamshire’s Sexual Health Needs Assessment, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), Local Health Profiles and Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles
Read article Sexual health needs and data
Sexual health strategy 2024-2029
Buckinghamshire’s vision and ambitions for 2024-29
Read article Sexual health strategy 2024-2029
Teachers and school nurses
Information on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), including RSE and Safeguarding resources
Read article Teachers and school nurses