Introducing Jackie Sherrard…

“I have been working in sexual health for 25 years, initially in London and more recently in Oxford and now Buckinghamshire, delivering HIV care, STI management and contraception. Here in Bucks I have 2 consultant colleagues: Dr Veena Reddy and Dr Mona Malek and we work alongside a team of specialist doctors, nurses, health advisers and administration staff.
I feel very strongly that everyone attending our services should receive the best possible care using the most up to date treatment. To support this I am involved in education of doctors and nurses and guideline development at a National level.
In Buckinghamshire we offer specialist services in STIs, HIV and contraception at both Wycombe general hospital and the Brookside clinic in Aylesbury.
For patients who have no symptoms and just want a check-up or contraception we also provide services at a number of locations throughout the county in conjunction with THT.
To visit the service: we offer a choice of walk in and wait clinics and booked appointments
Walk in and Wait
All Ages
– Tues 9 – 11.30am Wycombe, SHAW
– Thurs 9 – 11.30am Aylesbury, Brookside
– Thurs 1 – 3pm Wycombe, SHAW
Under 21’s Only
– Mon 2.30 – 5pm Buckingham, Swan Practice
– Mon 2 – 5pm Aylesbury, Brookside
– Tues 3 – 5pm Wycombe, SHAW
Please be aware our walk in clinics can be busy and there may be a wait.
If you prefer an appointment, these are available at a number of locations throughout the week across the County.
To book appointments at any of the bSHaW Sexual Health Clinics or if you have any questions phone 03003032880″