World AIDS Day 2020

This World AIDS Day Together We Can…..
- Support people living with HIV to lead happy, healthy lives
- Smash HIV stigma
- Make the future free from HIV transmissions
- Let everyone know how to protect their sexual health
Create a Better Future…
- So that no more lives are needlessly lost to HIV, through ending transmissions by 2030
- So that people living with HIV can live free from stigma and discrimination
- So that no matter how someone’s HIV diagnosis affects them, they can access holistic support to live a happy and healthy life
- So that people living with HIV can access safe and reliable information
- So the voices of people living with HIV are heard loud and clear and their interests are not forgotten
Together, we will continue to support people living with HIV so they can live their best lives, free from prejudice and discrimination , read more World AIDS Day 2020
Read more about HIV and bSHaW HIV Treatment and Care
Call 0300 303 2880 to make an appointment and speak to our HIV team.