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Clinical Training

Clinical Training in Bucks

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (BHT), as the level 3 specialist sexual health provider, provides clinical training in Buckinghamshire to GP’s, Medical Trainees and Nurses.

Training provided includes:

  • FSRH Diploma (DFSRH) for doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, physician associates or other healthcare professionals registered in the UK and Ireland, working in primary care, community and integrated services.For more information on the DFSRH:
  • Letters of Competence Subdermal Contraceptive Implants Techniques Insertion and Removal (LoC SDI-IR) for Doctors, Nurses, Midwives and Physician Associates already working in general practice and community sexual health services who want to develop the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to support women seeking contraception. It will enable them to provide and remove subdermal implants competently, and manage any complications or side-effects that may occur. For more information on the LoC SDI-R:
  • Letters of Competence Intrauterine Techniques (LoC IUT) for Doctors, Nurses, Midwives and Physician Associates already working in general practice and community sexual health services who wish to develop the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to support women seeking contraception. It will enable them to hold consultations, provide intrauterine contraception competently, and manage any complications or side-effects that may occur. For more information on the LoC IUT:
  • STIF Foundation Theory course: The STI Foundation Theory Course is made up of 3 parts; Foundation Theory One, Two and Three together with e-learning.  It aims to equip participants with the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes for the diagnosis and management of common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and to know when and how to refer.Who should attend STIF Theory Course? Doctors, nurses, registered midwives, physician associates, healthcare assistants in contraception/family planning, secondary care clinicians (who may encounter patients with STIs e.g. Obs & Gynae, rheumatology, ophthalmology, A&E etc.) GPs, practice nurses, health advisers, school nurses, pharmacists etc. Sexual healthcare professionals wishing to undertake STIF Competency training and assessment. For more information on the STIF Foundation Theory course:
  • Refresher coil and implant clinics: For clinicians who fit coils and implants who wish to refresh their skills

We are happy to discuss your training needs. For further information on any of the above training, please contact Beth Crosk, Training Co-ordinator, bSHaW, Brookside Centre, Station Way East, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 2SR or 07790979608

Other Training 

Additional clinical training opportunities are available through the following organisations:

British Association for Sexual Health and HIV

The object of BASHH is:

  • To promote, encourage and improve the study and practice of diagnosing, treating and managing sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other sexual health problems
  • To innovate and deliver excellent tailored education and training to health care professionals, trainers and trainees in the UK
  • To determine, monitor and maintain standards of governance in the provision of sexual health and HIV care
  • To advance public health in relation to sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other sexual health problems
  • To champion and promote good sexual health and provide education to the public
Brook Learn

Talking about relationships and sex with young people isn’t always easy. To help you, Brook have developed high quality free digital learning to empower, support and encourage you to deliver effective relationships and sex education (RSE)

Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare

The FSRH (Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare) provides a range of internationally recognised clinically based training and competence recognition for the provision of sexual and reproductive healthcare.