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One-to-One Early Intervention Service

Brook offers one to one health and wellbeing programmes providing support for young people. To find out what Brook offers, click on the relevant box below.

Brook One-to-One My Life Programme for Under 18’s Expand

My Life is an early intervention health and wellbeing support programme providing one-to-one support to young people. The programme aims to empower young people to improve their sexual health, wellbeing and relationships.

Using a goals-based approach, Brook’s one-to-one programme provides the young person with the skills and confidence to build a toolkit to make these choices. Please note, this service is an early support programme, and therefore educational rather than therapeutic or counselling.

Programme Structure

A bespoke programme will be created for each individual young person and will include up to six 1-hour sessions with a Brook Specialist.

Outcomes for young people

By the end of their My Life programme each young person will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Identify up to 3 relevant and important health and wellbeing goals in their life that they wish to improve/work on
  • Identify strengths and positive aspects of their lives that they can build on
  • Have a stronger sense of self-worth and self confidence
  • Have enhanced aspirations for a positive future
  • Have developed lifelong skills in setting and achieving goals
  • Describe and demonstrate being skilled and actively engaged in improving their own health and wellbeing
  • Demonstrate skills in finding, assessing, and using health and wellbeing related information
  • Have mitigated and minimised negative risk, and harm

 Who is the programme for?

The My Life one-to-one-programme is a free and confidential service available for young people who need additional support to manage their own relationships, sexual health and wellbeing.Voluntary engagement is key to the programme, therefore young people must consent to a referral being made.

For a young person to be referred to Brook for the My Life Programme, they must:

  • Live, work or be educated in Buckinghamshire
  • Be aged between 11-18 years old (up to 25 for SEND)

And either:

  • Display an unhealthy attitude to relationships, sexual health and/or gender norms.
  • Display a lack of understanding of appropriate behaviour and boundaries in relation to peers and professionals.
  • Require support around sexuality awareness, gender awareness or identity.
  • Require support around self-esteem and acceptance.
  • Be at risk of harm or danger relating to sex and relationships (online or in the community).
  • Have been involved in creating or sharing youth produced sexual imagery.
  • Be at risk of engaging in unprotected sexual activity.
  • Be pregnant, have aspirations to become a parent, or have had a termination.

Confidentiality and Consent

Please note that the young person has the right to see any information that is written about them. We will fully brief the person as to the content and format of the programme during the first session. The young person can decide whether they would like to participate or not and has the right to withdraw at any point in the programme.

Boundaries and Limitations

This programme is based on a supported self-help approach. It is important that referrers and individuals understand that Brook will review referrals on a case-by-case basis and may reject the referral if it is not appropriate.  We will provide feedback if the referral is rejected.

We cannot accept referrals for young people involved in an active criminal investigation.

Make a Referral

To refer a young person to the My Life One-to-One Programme, please use this link: Brook Buckinghamshire Referral request for 1 to 1 targeted support

If you are unsure about a referral or wish to discuss this in more detail, please contact

Brook One to One Adult Support Programme – for Over 18’s Expand

Brook also offers a one-to-one programme specifically for adults (18+) in Buckinghamshire, which aims to improve sexual health and wellbeing through supporting adults to strengthen their knowledge, skills and self-worth. A free non-judgemental and confidential service, the adult one-to-one programme provides a bespoke, responsive and needs-led provision, which could include:

  • Supporting individuals to make decisions about their health and wellbeing
  • Making referrals to other services where relevant
  • Provide ongoing engagement via a support plan

To make a referral for an adult that would benefit from this one-to-one support programme please use this link – Buckinghamshire  1-1 Adult Support Programme Initial referral form

If you would like to refer yourself to the programme please us this link – Buckinghamshire  Self-referral – Adults 18+

If you are unsure about a referral, or wish to discuss this in more detail, please contact us by emailing,uk 

Referral criteria –

This programme is for adults who may need support with the knowledge and skills required to effectively assess and manage risk, build resilience and improve their own sexual health and wellbeing. To be eligible for the programme, they must be over 18 years old, and either live, work, or access education in Buckinghamshire.

Programme Structure –

This can be delivered as a short-term intervention of up to six 1-hour sessions, or a longer-term package of support depending on individual need. Examples of topics that may be covered in the sessions include:

  • Relationships
  • Information, advice and guidance on sexual health and wellbeing
  • Coping better
  • Confidence
  • Self esteem

Confidentiality and Consent –

Voluntary engagement is key to the programme; therefore it is essential that the person being referred consents to the referral. Please note that the person has the right to see any information that is written about them. We will fully brief the person as to the content and format of the programme during the first session.

The person can decide whether they would like to participate or not and has the right to withdraw at any point in the programme.

Boundaries and Limitations –

This programme is based on a supported self-help approach. It is important that referrers and individuals understand that Brook will review referrals on a case-by-case basis and may reject the referral if it is not appropriate.  We will provide feedback if the referral is rejected.

We will not be able to accept referrals for individuals who are involved in an active police investigation or who arrive at a session under the influence of drugs or alcohol.