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RSE @ Home with Brook – 2024/25

RSE at Home with Brook is our series specifically created for parents and carers who want to further support their children’s relationship and sex education at home. Brook expert staff use their knowledge and experience to give you support on how to address potentially tricky topics at home.

School RSE focusses on the facts, the law and the expectations of the school and wider community. It provides an opportunity to discuss issues in a depersonalised way which keeps everyone in the classroom safe whatever their beliefs or experience.

RSE at home is a real opportunity to talk about your family’s values and beliefs, and to use examples from your own family and people you know to talk about health and relationships.

These information sessions are delivered online via Zoom and Instagram (@sexualhealthbucks). The video recordings of each session will also be uploaded to our Facebook page at Sexual Health Bucks.

If you have any questions you would like to be covered on any of the following topics, you can send them anonymously here

Mandatory Relationships and Sex Education (MRSE)

Overview of session

In preparation for the start of the new school year, this session will guide parents and carers through what they can expect from mandatory sex and relationships education in schools. It will cover some frequently asked questions so you can understand what the government guidance means for your child, and feel supported to start and continue conversations about sexual health and wellbeing at home.

Send us your questions about MRSE here, and we will try our best to address them during the session.

Course Schedule

Wednesday 18th September 2024 - Zoom webinar

Body Image

Overview of session

In support of World Mental Health Day this session will support parents and carers in speaking to their child about the topic of body image. It will cover FAQs such as: how to broach the topic at home, what impact social media can have, and how to create a positive environment at home.

Send us your questions about Body Image here, and we will try our best to address them during the session.

Course Schedule

Thursday 10th October - Zoom webinar

Sex and Disability

Overview of session

This session will help give parents and carers a better understanding of the topic of sex and disability. It will cover frequently asked questions such as: when and how to bring up these conversations at home, and what are some key tips for talking about sex and disability with your child.

Send us your questions about Sex and Disability here, and we will try our best to address them during the session.

Course Schedule

Monday 11th November 2024 - Zoom webinar


Overview of session

This session will help give parents and carers a better understanding of the topic of condoms, contraception and STI’s. It will equip parents and carers with the knowledge and information to support their child’s sexual health and wellbeing, by covering frequently asked questions such as: how and when to broach these subjects at home, common contraception myths, how to support your child with an STI diagnosis and where they can access condoms, contraception and STI testing/treatment.

Send us your questions about STIs and Contraception here, and we will try our best to address them during the session.

Course Schedule

Tuesday 7th January 2025 - Zoom webinar

Sex and the Media

Overview of session

This session will help give parents and carers a better understanding of the topic of sex in the media. It will cover frequently asked questions such as: how relationships and sex in the media may influence your child or young person’s own experiences, how to help your child recognise that what they see in the media (including pornography) is rarely true to life, and what are some of the relevant laws around pornography and taking/sharing sexual imagery.

Send us your questions about Sex in the Media here, and we will try our best to address them during the session.

Course Schedule

Wednesday 19th March 2025 - Zoom webinar