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I need an appointment to discuss abortion?

If you do not want to continue the pregnancy or if it is not possible for you to have the baby, National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS) and MSI Reproductive Choices are the Abortion providers in Buckinghamshire.


Commissioned by the NHS to provide free pregnancy advice, counselling and abortion services. Click here for a variety of ways you can contact NUPAS.

MSI Reproductive Choices

Commissioned by the NHS to provide free pregnancy advice, counselling and abortion services as well as self-funded treatment, through a network of clinics across England. Click here for a variety ways you can contact MSI.

The bSHaW service is unable to provide abortion services.

All of your treatment will be completely free and confidential, even if you are under 16.

Where can I get further information?

If you’re pregnant and considering abortion it’s important to know that you’re not alone. 1 in 3 women in the UK will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.

Abortion is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy but the earlier you contact services, the more choices you have available to you. It is also possible to refer yourself to a private clinic and pay to have an abortion.

In most cases abortion will be carried out as a day procedure. However, often you may need to attend more than one appointment at the clinic. You may need to attend an initial appointment where you will be given the chance to talk through the procedure and your choices. The procedure may then be carried out on a different day.

There are two types of abortion, medical and surgical. Which type you have may be dependant on how advanced your pregnancy is, amongst other things.

Unplanned Pregnancy help Expand

Click here to find out more about unplanned pregnancy help

The Abortion Act 50 years on Expand

Radio documentary by Women’s Hour.
The Abortion Act in England was passed in 1967. This 1 hour radio documentary marks 50 years since the act was passed and talks about why people campaigned to make abortion safe, free and accessible.

Understanding the Body Understanding the Body
Local Help and Support in Buckinghamshire Local Help and Support in Buckinghamshire

Need to speak to someone

If you need further advice, or if this page hasn’t answered your questions then get in contact with your local bSHaW Sexual Health Clinic for a friendly chat.

Call 0300 303 2880 to book an appointment or use our service finder to locate your nearest clinic.
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