NEW Wellbeing in Sexual Health (WISH) Training courses
Check out the new short courses that have been added to the WISH training portfolio. All courses are delivered via Zoom. Please complete the enquiry form for each course to be informed of course dates.
- STIs and HIV Awareness – 1 Hour Session – The aim of the session is for all involved to have a clear understanding and improved knowledge on STIs/HIV. Course objectives include : Gaining an understanding of how STIs are transmitted, the symptoms and prevention, Developing knowledge on HIV and effective medication, Gaining information on local and national data, campaigns, services and initiatives, Ability to signpost young people for more information on STIs and HIV
- Contraception Awareness -1 Hour session – The aim of the session is for all involved to have a clear understanding and improved knowledge on the different types of contraception available. Course objectives include : Developing knowledge on the different types of contraception available, Gaining an understanding on how a variety of contraception works and the benefits and drawbacks to the contraception, Gaining information on local and national data, campaigns, services and initiatives, Ability to signpost young people for more information on contraception options.
- Service Update – 30 minute session – The aim of the session is for all involved to have a clear understanding and improved knowledge on the local sexual health services in Buckinghamshire, gain information, updates and changes to local sexual health services, be able to signpost young people to the sexual health services they require
- Q&A with a Youth Engagement Officer – An online Q&A session with at least one of our youth engagement officers (YEO) to discuss any queries or questions you have regarding discussing relationships and sex with young people with sexual health professions.
- Consent and the Law – The aim of the session is to understand elements of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, other relevant laws and to be able to appropriately share with young people and professionals when discussing relationships and sex.
Click here to be taken to the WISH training page to read more about training courses and complete the course enquiry form.