Sexual Health Week 2020

14 – 20 SEPTEMBER 2020 is Sexual Health Week
This years focus for Sexual Health Week is RSE.
All video resources can be found on our Sexual Health Week 2020 YouTube playlist
Brooks latest daily blog posts –
- 10 top tips for teaching RSE
- Making your RSE LGBT+ inclusive
- 5 ways for teachers to talk to parents about mandatory RSE
- Why people with learning disabilities need better representation
- RSE could have saved me from an abusive relationship
Brooks Big RSE Lesson Live
Led by expert Brook educators, the topics discussed will be healthy relationships and the effects of lockdown. The broadcast is aimed at young people in year 9 and above.
If you missed the Big RSE Lesson, click here to watch it on replay.
bSHaW offer Wellbeing in Sexual Health (WISH) FREE RSE Training in Buckinghamshire, the course Delivering Relationships & Sex Education in Schools/Academies is for all involved to be more confident in planning, preparing and delivering sessions on RSE, read more