Training for Professionals and Schools
FREE of charge training to those working in schools and/or the community in Buckinghamshire.
We provide training on diverse range of sexual health topics for both professionals working in community services and school staff. We offer guidance on a range of prominent topics that aim to support staff working with children and young people.
Training sessions:
- C-Card distribution scheme
- Consent
- Pornography and youth produced sexual imagery
- Create a safe learning environment
- Consent and Managing disclosures of sexual violence
- Healthy relationships and sexual health
- Inclusive RSE for Neurodivergent young people
- Managing difficult questions and sensitive issues in RSE
- Supporting and including LGBT+ young people
- Trans Inclusion Training
We have recently added a new course with dates:
- Trans Inclusive Care: Trans Identities and Barriers to Access
Click here for more information and to sign up