Did you know there are 15 different methods of contraception available in the UK?
There are many different types of contraception –visit the Contraception Guide to find out more.

Source “various, see playlist for individual video source and publication date”
Remember, all types of contraception, if used correctly, will help to prevent pregnancy but condoms are the only form of contraception that protect against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Vomiting can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. If you’re sick, you may need to use condoms to make sure you’re protected against pregnancy.
Contraception can be divided up into long acting but reversible contraception and contraception that must be used every day, or every time you have sex.
Long acting reversible contraception (LARC) can last for months, or even years before you need to change or replace them. However, if at any stage you change your mind, they can be easily removed and your fertility will return to normal. As these contraceptives stay in your body for longer and do not rely on you remembering to take them every day, there is less chance of falling pregnant by accident.
These include:
Remember, for all forms of contraception you can self refer to your local bSHaW Sexual Health Clinic or call 0300 303 2880 to book an appointment. There is no need to see your GP first. Please note bSHaW clinics do not provide sterilisation (male or female)
Click here to locate your nearest clinic to discuss your contraceptive needs or speak to your GP.