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Substance Misuse

Alcohol and Drugs 

Everyone knows too much alcohol or drugs can affect your health and wellbeing.

Unprotected Sex

Alcohol & drugs lower our inhibitions. This means we take more risks, including having sex when we may not have done or not think about using a condom.

One Recovery Bucks – 18+

One Recovery Bucks is for anyone aged 18 or over who is using, or affected by the problems associated with drugs and/or alcohol.. If you are over 18 and concerned about a substance misuse problem, click here for details of how the Substance Misuse Treatment Service could help.

Here4YOUth – Young People

Here4YOUth is a alcohol and drug service for children and young people aged 10-25 across Buckinghamshire. Click here for more information on the services offered.

Trichomoniasis Trichomoniasis
Testing for HIV Testing for HIV

Need to speak to someone?

If you need further advice, or if this page hasn’t answered your questions then get in contact with your local bSHaW Sexual Health Clinic for a friendly chat.

Call 0300 303 2880 to book an appointment or use our service finder to locate your nearest clinic.

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