Using condoms every time you have sex is one of the most simple and effective ways to look after your sexual health. Condoms protect against unwanted pregnancy by stopping the sperm contained in semen from coming into contact with the vagina (which could lead to an egg being fertilised).
Condoms are also the only method of contraception that provide protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), by preventing sexual fluids from being transferred between partners. Made of very thin latex (rubber), they are designed to cover the penis and act as a barrier between it and the mouth, vagina, penis or anus.
You can also get internal condoms, which are just like other condoms except they fit inside the vagina instead of covering the penis.
Condoms are simple to use and are 98% effective when used correctly. They come in different sizes, fits, colours, flavours and textures. There are also latex free condoms for those with allergies.
Find out below how you can access Free Condoms from bSHaW.
Free condoms and sexual health support for young people
The C-Card scheme is a free and confidential service. It allows young people between 13-24 years old to access free condoms and lubrication.
If you are aged 13-15 you’ll speak with a friendly trained professional about sex, relationships and sexual health too.
You have the same rights to confidentiality as an adult, which means that we won’t pass on any information to your parents/carers or anyone else without your permission. The only time we may have to share information with other professionals is if you tell us something that makes us seriously concerned for your safety or welfare, or the safety or welfare of others.
Under 16’s can register for the C-Card to access free condoms by visiting a C-card distribution site in person. There are a wide range of outlets in Buckinghamshire including, schools, colleges, universities and community centres. You can view a map of all C-Card sites using the link below.
Free condoms and sexual health support for young people
The C-Card scheme is a free and confidential service. It allows young people between 13-24 years old to access free condoms and lubrication. You’ll speak with a friendly trained professional about sex, relationships and sexual health too.
If you are over 16 AND already registered for the C-Card where your identity has been verified by collecting your first pack condoms in person you can use the condoms by post service.
Please note, our last day for posting condoms over the Christmas period will be Wednesday 18th December. Our condoms by post service will resume in the New Year on Tuesday 7th January
Collect condoms from a wide range of outlets in Buckinghamshire including, schools, colleges, universities and community centres. You can view a map of all C-Card sites using the link below.
Adults can access free condoms through any bSHaW Sexual Health Clinic during an appointment. Additionally Brookside Aylesbury and SHAW High Wycombe run the C4C Scheme giving adults free packs of condoms that can be collected monthly from reception. Please call 0300 303 2880 to arrange to speak with a health advisor to register for the scheme.