Sexual Health Training for Professionals and Schools
We provide training on diverse range of sexual health topics for schools and professionals working in community services, offering guidance on a range of prominent topics that aim to support staff to work with children and young people. Find out more about the training courses here.
Relationship & Sex Education (RSE):
bSHaW provides a funded training programme to support schools to deliver high-quality RSE lessons and enable them to talk to their pupils about sexual consent, healthy relationships, and sex appropriately. Find out more here.
RSE Resources
21st Century Relationship & Sex Education – Ian Bauckham to advise government on improving Relationships and Sex Education in schools.
Brook – free and confidential sexual health information for under 25s
FRSH-RCOG abortion care factsheet to support RSE lessons – free resource for professionals in secondary schools to use in relationships and sex education (RSE) lessons. It aims to ensure that professionals involved in educating young people have a factually accurate, unbiased and evidence-based source of information about abortion in the UK
#LoveRespect – Women’s Aid have launched a new #LoveRespect website to support teenage girls at risk of relationship abuse and challenge myths surrounding the nature of coercive control
Love: The good, the bad and the ugly – Advice and stories about abuse in relationships
Mimi on a Mission – Sex Ed presented by YouTube star, Mimi Missfit, will get us all thinking and chatting about the weird and wonderful, sometimes mysterious and often cringey world of sex, love and relationships.
Mimi takes seven teenagers aged 14 and 15, from across Britain, on an eye-opening, fact-finding, week-long trip of a lifetime to the Netherlands. The team want to find out how the Dutch teach sex and everything related to it, from bodies to falling in love and keeping safe online. watch the series here follow @MiMiMissfit on twitter
Rise Above – PHE’s social marketing programme which aims to equip 11 to 16 year olds with the skills they need to withstand social pressures and prevent or delay risky behaviour. It co-creates video content with young people which is shared by peers and influencers via a digital hub and social media channels to drive engagements. This content is then used to develop lesson plans for Personal, Social and Health Education classes to promote positive mental health and sexual health and delay and prevent core risk behaviours such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs. By tackling multiple issues, the campaign aims to build resilience, encourage better health literacy and support young people to make choices to reduce risky behaviour and better health decisions. These might include understanding sexual consent, peer pressure, positive relationships, puberty, sexting and much more.
Sex Education Forum – Teaching resources, best practice and policy, and evidence for why quality sex and relationships education works
Sex & Relationship PolicyBristol – University of Bristol Policy Report July 2017 Sex Relationship Education
Sexual Health Week – Presentation and Resources supporting the annual Sexual Health Week campaign
Statutory RSE 2017 FAQ’s – Sex Education Forum support pages.
BSAB (Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board)
BSCP (Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership)
BSCP Thresholds and Early Help – Early help is about ensuring that our children and their families get the right help and support as early as possible. Read the guidance
CEOP – The Child Exploitation & Online Protection (CEOP) Command is a command of the National Crime Agency working to cut serious and organised crime relating to online and offline child exploitation. Thinkuknow is a series of resources from CEOP’s in house education programme aimed at Children, Young People, Parents, Carers & Professionals.
Child Exploitation and Domestic Abuse – useful contacts, websites & resources
Child Exploitation including Child Exploitation Indicator Tool
Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) -The NSPCC have created evidence-based resources which help frontline practitioners across the UK respond to children and young people displaying HSB, mitigate risk and prioritise children’s safety.
Spotting the Signs of CSE: A proforma for professionals – Developed by the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and Brook
Staying Safe Online – Useful information and guidance to keep children safe from harm whilst using the internet. Presentations for parents and carers of primary and secondary age children created by CEOP Thinkuknow.
Videos – check out bSHaW’s You Tube Channel with playlists for Safeguarding and Parents and Carers